Common Spanish Phrases for Travellers

Note: These phrases link to Fodor's web site for pronunication.
You're welcome. De nada. deh NAH-dah
Sorry. Disculpe. dees-KOOL-peh
Excuse me. Con permiso. kohn pehr-MEE-soh
Excuse me. Perdón. pehr-DOHN
It doesn't matter. No importa. noh eem-POHR-tah
Good morning. Buenos días. BWEHN-nohs DEE-ahs
Good afternoon. Buenas tardes. BWEHN-nahs TAHR-dehs
Good evening. Buenas noches. BWEHN-nahs NOH-chehs
See you later. Hasta luego. AHS-tah LWEH-goh
Excuse me, sir. Perdón, señor. pehr-DOHN ·seh-NYOHR
·ma'am. ·señora. ·seh-NYOH-rah
miss/ms. ·señorita. ·seh-nyoh-REE-tah
Do you speak English? Habla usted inglés? AH-blah oos-TEHD een-GLEHS?
Yes. Sí. see
No. No. noh
I'm sorry. Lo siento. loh SYEHN-toh
I don't speak Spanish. No hablo español. noh AH-bloh ehs-pah-NYOHL
Please speak more slowly. Hable más despacio, por favor. AH-bleh mahs des-PAH-syoh, pohr fah-VOHR
Please repeat. Repita, por favor. rreh-PEE-tah, pohr fah-VOHR
May I ask a question? Una pregunta, por favor? OO-nah preh-GOON-tah, pohr fah-VOHR
Could you please help me? Podría ayudarme? poh-DREE-ah ah-yoo-DAHR-meh?
Where is...? Dónde está...? DOHN-deh ehs-TAH...?
Thank you very much. Muchas gracias. MOO-chas GRAH-syahs
Who? Quién? kyehn?
Who? (plural) Quiénes? KYEH-nehs?
What? Qué? keh?
Why? Por qué? pohr KEH?
When? Cuándo? KWAHN-doh?
Where? Dónde? DOHN-deh?
How? Cómo? KOH-moh?
How much? Cuánto? KWAHN-toh?
zero cero SEH-roh
once una vez OO-nah vehs
first primero pree-MEH-roh
second segundo seh-GOON-doh
one uno OO-noh
twice dos veces dohs VEH-sehs
last último OOL-tee-moh
two dos dohs
third tercero tehr-SEH-roh
three tres trehs
fourth cuarto KWAHR-toh
half medio MEH-dyoh
four cuatro KWAH-troh
fifth quinto KEEN-toh
a half una mitad OO-nah mee-TAHD
five cinco SEEN-koh
sixth sexto SEHKS-toh
one-third un tercio oon TEHR-syoh
six seis says
seventh séptimo SEHP-tee-moh
one-quarter un cuarto oon KWAHR-toh
eighth octavo ohk-TAH-voh
seven siete SYEH-teh
percent por ciento pohr-SYEN-toh
eight ocho OH-choh
ninth noveno noh-VEH-noh
nine nueve NWEH-veh
tenth décimo DEH-see-moh
ten diez dyes
eleven once OHN-seh
twelve doce DOH-seh
thirteen trece TREH-seh
fourteen catorce kah-TOHR-seh
fifteen quince KEEN-seh
sixteen dieciséis dyeh-see-says
seventeen diecisiete dyeh-see-SYEH-teh
eighteen dieciocho dyeh-see-OH-choh
nineteen diecinueve dyeh-see-NWEH-veh
twenty veinte VAYN-teh
twenty-one vientiuno vayn-tee-OO-noh
twenty-two vientidós vayn-tee-DOHS
thirty treinta TRAYN-tah
forty cuarenta kwah-REHN-tah
fifty cincuenta seen-KWEN-tah
sixty sesenta seh-SEHN-tah
seventy setenta seh-TEHN-tah
eighty ochenta oh-CHEHN-tah
ninety noventa noh-VEHN-tah
one hundred cien SYEHN
one hundred one ciento uno SYEHN-toh OO-noh
two hundred doscientos dohs-SYEHN-tohs
three hundred trescientos trehs-SYEHN-tohs
Where can I change dollars? Dónde puedo cambiar dólares? DOHN-deh PWEH-doh kahm-BYAHR DOH-lah-rehs?
Is the bank open? El banco está abierto? ehl BAHN-koh ehs-TAH ah-BYEHR-toh?
How much is the dollar worth? A cómo está el dólar? ah KOH-moh ehs-TAH ehl DOH-lahr?
Do you need identification? Necesita identificación? neh-seh-SEE-tah ee-dehn-tee-fee-kah-SYOHN?
May I have some large and small bills? Puede darme billets grandes y chicos? PWEH-deh DAHR-meh bee-YEH-tehs GRAHN-dehs ee CHEE-kohs?
·the rest in change? ·el resto en cambio? ·ehl rrehs-toh ehn KAHM-byoh?
What time is it? Qué hora es? keh OH-rah ehs?
It's one o'clock. Es la una. ehs lah OO-nah
·1:15 ·la una y cuarto. ·lah OO-nah ee KWAHR-toh
·1:30. ·la una y media. ·lah OO-nah ee MEH-dyah
It's 1:45. Son las dos menos cuarto. sohn lahs dohs MEH-nos KWAHR-toh
It's midnight. Es media noche. ehs MEH-dyah MOH-cheh
It's noon. Es el mediodía. ehs el meh-dyoh-DEE-ah
Five minutes ago. Hace cinco minutos. AH-seh SEEN-koh mee-NOO-tohs
In a half hour. En media hora. ehn MEH-dyah OH-rah
When does it begin? Cuándo empieza? KWAHN-doh ehm-PYEH-sah?
He came on time. El llegó a tiempo. ehl yeh-GOH ah TYEHM-poh
·early. ·temprano. ·tehm-PRAH-noh
·late. ·tarde. ·TAHR-deh
The bill, please. La cuenta, por favor. lah KWEN-tah pohr fah-VOHR
Is service included? El servicio está incluido? ehl sehr-VEE-syoh ehs-TAH een-kloo-EE-doh?
This is for you. Esto es para usted. EHS-toh ehs pah-rah oos-TEHD
Where do you live? Dónde vive? DOHN-deh VEE-veh?
Where is it located? Dónde está situado? DOHN-deh ehs-TAH see-TWAH-doh?
Is it open today? Está abierto hoy? ehs-TAH ah-BYEHR-toh ohy?
How much is the admission? Cuánto es la entrada? KWAHN-toh ehs lah ehn-TRAH-dah?
Which are the historic sites? Cuáles son los sitios históricos? KWAH-leh sohn lohs SEE-tyohs ees-TOH-ree-kohs?
red rojo RROH-hoh
yellow amarillo ah-mah-REE-yoh
green verde VEHR-deh
blue azul ah-SOOL
white blanco BLAHN-koh
brown marrón mah-RROHN
orange anaranjado ah-nah-rahn-HAH-doh
purple morado moh-RAH-doh
black negro NEH-groh
gold dorado doh-RAH-doh
silver plateado plah-teh-AH-doh
now ahora ah-OH-rah
earlier más temprano mahs tehm-PRAH-noh
later más tarde mahs TAHR-deh
before antes AHN-tehs
after después dehs-PWEHS
soon pronto PROHN-toh
Help! ¡Ayuda! ah-YOO-dah!
Help me! ¡Socorro! soh-KOH-rroh!
Hurry! ¡Dése prisa! DEH-seh PREE-sah!
Stop! ¡Alto! AHL-toh!